A Prayer for Chaplains

By Charles, a friend of CIC Ministries

Holy Father God;

Through Your Word, You have given me a glimpse of Your Holy broken heart to prepare my spiritual heart to be broken in how You have designed my walk. That I may know that I have been chosen to be Your listener, Your Chaplain, to listen more than I talk. Your Spirit gives me words to say but only when You tell me, ‘Tell them this, or speak to that or affirm with a smile or just nod your head.”

Father, sometimes I see You in their face. You teach me Your rhythm, listen, nod, talk, smile; everything is in response to listening to what’s said. Help me to listen to the person to whom You have sent me, when to sigh, to show that, right now they are the only one.

Help me hold on to moments too deep for words, and when we finally open our mouths, speak for us Your healing words through our conversation.

I am Your Chaplain, Your vessel; on my heart You’ve placed Your seal; that those I visit may hear, Your love, Your mercy, Your grace and forgiveness so that broken hearts may heal.

Chaplain Charles 

Charles is a Chrisitan, married to Saundra, and retired as a licensed counselor. He was Director of Rescue and Recovery at Cityteam in San Jose before retirement and now sits on the board of New Directions Homeless Shelters. He is a licensed chaplain, drug & alcohol counselor, and peer support specialist. He has published writings and enjoys wildlife photography and riding his bike.


2023 Impact Report


Chaplain Lidia’s Story