
Written by Beverly Boxill-German, Associate Chaplain

As a chaplain, one of the best things about juvenile ministry is empowering youth to take initiative, lead Bible study, and speak up. One young person at juvenile hall shared that they love a song with the lyrics, "where you go I'll go, where you stay I'll stay, where you move I’ll move, I will follow you," and asked if we could play it. Those lyrics inspired our group to create a Bible study discussing Ruth and Naomi and the biblical theme “where you go, I’ll go.” After sharing and receiving affirmations during community-building time, this young person looked at everyone in the group and expressed having an overflowing heart. 

I saw God working in the lives of group participants that evening. God’s love was seen in their capacity to express themselves to each other, ability to find compassion and hope, and reflect agape love to each other even as they were going through difficulties themselves.

What started as one young person taking initiative, led to community-building based on Jesus’ agape love.

This experience has stayed with me and continues to resonate in my own life. In our busy Silicon Valley lives, we may not always be with our loved ones in the same ways that Ruth was able to be with Naomi long ago.

However, we can move and go with the people placed in our lives and be sustained by them, as Naomi was by Ruth, as we follow Christ’s call to expand our beloved communities.


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